
Latest Episodes

21: Ladybugs

Rodney Dangerfield doesn't get any respect from the critics, who hated this week's movie. It's a kids, cross-dressing, sports comedy where Rodney Dangerfield plays with his balls. Advertising Inquiries:...

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20: Saltburn

Returning after a holiday hiatus, Tommy and Amanda discuss one of the most talked about movies, and mainly for that one specific scene. It's time to eat the rich...

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19: Love Actually (and the Can We Talk About Holiday Party)

Love is all around! This week, we gather some friends to discuss the Christmas-season rom-com, Love Actually. It's a merry episode of friends, family, and Hugh Grant. Advertising Inquiries:...

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18: Die Hard

It's that time of year and, yes, Die Hard is a Christmas movie! Tommy and Amanda discuss the most actiony Christmas movie to exist. Have a Holly [McClaine], Jolly,...

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17: The Princess Bride

Inconceivable! This week, Tommy and Amanda are home sick with grandpa coming to keep us company, as he reads the tale of The Princess Bride. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy...

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16: Monster Squad

Just in time for the spooky season, Tommy and Amanda go back to the '80s for a cult classic. When the entire Universal Monsters come back from the dead,...

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Your Hosts

Tommy West

Show Host

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore. eu fugiat culpale nulla pariatur excepteur occaecat cupidatat non sint proident.

Amanda Johnson

Show Host

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore. eu fugiat culpale nulla pariatur excepteur occaecat cupidatat non sint proident.